Monday, October 26, 2009


Regardless of the fact that I have not been contributing to my own blog, I HAVE been having dressage lessons–when I can catch my horse! Daughter and I take my horse and we go to our trainers where she gives daughter a lesson on Merlin, who now looks like a real horse! and to me on Hope. Alas, I have not been able to practice between the weekly lessons. BUT hubby and I went on a nice training ride Sunday and explored the boundary between the 3,600 acres we have permission to ride upon, and the 36,000 upon which we don’t. I was surprised to find that the former was more extensive than I’d thought. He is going to help me mark and map the trails and put together some loops that add up to 50 miles. I need a new GPS.


  1. Wonderful! what are you working on in the dressage lessons?

  2. What am I working on? Um, staying on? No, really I do well except on a 20 meter circle at the canter. So, we've been doing trot-canter transitions and transitions from rising trot to 2-point and back with bbp (basic balanced position) and rising to sitting trot.
